
Gratitude is an Attitude

Gratitude is a funny thing. According to Psychology Today, it is “the expression of appreciation for what one has.” In some of my circles, we learn that it’s important to be grateful even when eating a shit sandwich, which remains a struggle for me. 

But the thing about gratitude that stuns me the most is that it seems to be the key to everything positive in my life. It’s the antidote to a “bad day” or a bad mood. It’s the whip cream topping on a good day. And it can warm up even the coldest Chicago winter nights. 

The thing is – gratitude can be hard for me sometimes. I forget to have it. A bad attitude can steer me away from it. And sometimes, it just feels like work. 

I live a very good life – a big, full life. I have much to be grateful for. Yet the ability to say these things out loud or write them down escapes me at times. So I started small. I started with a daily gratitude list of five things. I’d just grab whatever piece of paper and pen was closest and jot down five quick things for which I was grateful. A lot of days, that might look like:

  • Sobriety
  • Health
  • Food
  • A home
  • Family

The great thing is, once I get going, it’s much easier to think of many, many more things I’d like to add to the list. Things like friends, my dog, my job, my peace of mind, getting a good night’s rest, being able to volunteer as a mentor, etc. 

The tough part for me, really, boils down to getting started. And it’s so, so important to get started. That same article from Psychology Today notes that studies have been done showing that brain scans of people doing a task that stimulates gratitude have lasting changes in their prefrontal cortex – changes that can heighten sensitivity to future expressions of gratitude. 

The article goes on to say that gratitude can actually make us more happy and fuel physical and psychological health, even if you’re struggling with mental health (raises hand). Gratitude practices can help us keep negative perspectives and emotions at bay and minimize the probability of ruminating – a favorite among depressives. 

The long and short of it is that gratitude is rad and I wish I did more of it. And if you feel the same way, comment to let me (and the other two people reading this blog 🙂 ) know how you try to do more of it. 

P.S. Check out my Gratitude Journal. I made this for anyone who would like more structure around their gratitude practice like me. And please let me know what you think!

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